
Business Area

沟通, Education

Key focus

Gender, Sexuality


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As LGBTQ+ identifying employees and allies of a small company recently acquired by Microsoft, 我们想要确保我们学习和分享的草根心态保持强大. Creating and fostering safe-spaces is a core value of ours so we held an in-person 'Small Group Discussion' focused on the current state of media representation as it applies to gender and sexuality; questioned the ethics in implementing data collected on gender and sexuality; and examined 最佳实践 for how to best represent and engage an LGBTQ+ audience. We followed this with an off-premise social as holding space for these issues can be heavy, 我们喜欢在这些谈话中加入庆祝的乐趣.


We observed that many corporate Pride events typically do not have a practical application to company mission and the work that we, as employees, do daily. It is well known that people are more likely to engage when they see an opportunity to directly contribute to impact, 我们想要捕捉这种能量. 我们知道,如果我们能够理解和识别我们自己的生态系统中的问题, we could begin working towards practical solutions to put into practice during conversations with our clients and in building tools for our platform. We wanted to highlight broad Advertising issues such as rainbow washing and alternatively highlight LGBTQ+ advertising campaigns that felt successful. Next, we pulled focus onto the execution stage via ad tech, the need for, and creation of DE&I marketplaces, as well as curating diverse supply that will attract 代理商和品牌.


Every year we are capturing more data through initiatives like the All In Census and Outvertising’s Consumer Report. A member of our community attended the launch of findings from Outvertising’s Consumer Report this year and was inspired to share them. Within DE&I we often discuss not ‘re-creating the wheel’ but rather expanding on the incredible work our peers are already doing. 我们看到了与更广泛的受众分享这些数据的机会, specifically with individuals who have the power and influence to address the challenges we face within the advertising and ad tech industries.


像所有草根DE一样&在最初的计划中,我们召集了一个核心小组,并分配了任务. We ended up with a group of four and began collaborating via a Teams channel and shared documents. 我们把幻灯片内容制作、房间预订、交流分成了几个部分 & 日历邀请,并为dsn彩乐园网址后社交预订了座位.

谁是你带来的内部业务合作伙伴? 你有没有向任何外部利益相关者寻求建议?

在内部,我们依靠执行赞助商的支持来推广dsn彩乐园网址. Historical data has shown that engaging senior stakeholders to sign-post events encourages higher employee attendance. 以身作则是提高人们对DE的认识的关键因素&I, 我们发现当领导者和管理者参与并出席时, 他们的团队成员更有可能跟随. Additionally, we checked in with Outvertising to ensure we had their permission to use their Consumer Report content for our discussion and presentation.


Our main physical resource was a large on-site conference room with a round table that lends itself to discussion. 因为这次活动只能面对面进行, 技术资源仅限于一根USB线和一个大屏幕. We used a company credit card to secure our table reservation at a nearby establishment, 但所有的食物和饮料都是自费的, 我们事先说得很清楚吗.


As our Small Group Discussions require little in the form of technical and fiscal resources, 人员是关键. A critical piece of Inclusion is to keep the door wide open for members of your community to bring ideas that inspire them to the table. 员工不应该必须使用官方DE&我以一个特定的“角色”来提议一项活动. 当我们创造简单易懂的方法来吸收所有人的想法时, 我们的节目将有机地变得更加多样化和交叉性. 当人们站出来时,确保你以最实际的方式支持他们. 这些人已经有了创造内容的激情,但这是你作为DE的工作&我领导要设置日历时间来准备, 定义受众, 确保一个空间, 帮助发出邀请, etc.

Remember that the more people who pitch in the less burnout you will see within your DE&I space. Keep passing the baton in regard to who is pitching ideas and producing content for your Small Group Discussions and ensure one specific community or ERG is not gatekeeping the ability to suggest content and execute.



令人难以置信的是,即使是在生态系统中最大的公司, 像微软, we can still put together grassroots events that are not backed by a specific community or ERG. This initiative was born through passionate individuals having a conversation about something that is going on within our industry daily. At times, these informal events can feel the most authentic and be the most impactful because they aren’t forced. 就像好的广告一样, 人们不希望别人告诉他们该怎么想,该怎么感觉, 他们只是想看到它在行动,作为结果, be inspired.


For any Small Group Discussion in 2023 and beyond I highly recommend an in-person environment now that the option is fortunately available to us again. This will mean making your content ‘ready to use’ so other office locations can plug and play. We have seen first-hand how video and recording can tamper down what people are willing to share. It is much easier to be vulnerable and have an open conversation when you are in a physically safe space without cameras and recording devices. 我还建议选择一个人来捕捉外卖, and leaving with a solid plan for holding people accountable or simply reminding them of the takeaways they were interested in pursuing.


因为我们有来自多个业务部门的代表, we brainstormed some practical takeaways to present to our Product and Commercial teams. We would like to focus on onboarding more diverse supply while understanding where we may need features and controls flexed to ensure this supply is available and appealing to our buyers.




Business Area
Key focus
Blis' Pride品牌巧克力棒

Blis的包容性骄傲庆典:培养意识 & allyship

Business Area
Key focus
Blis的包容性骄傲庆典:培养意识 & allyship


支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. 大胆地走自己的节奏,而不是让科技设定节奏. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.